Construction of UL99 recombinant BACs. The genome of HCMV AD169 is shown at the top with the UL99 ORF and its coordinates listed below. This AD169 BAC was transferred to E. coli strain DY380 for these experiments (25). The position of insertion of the Ampr lacZ cassette in the UL99 deletion BAC (99KO) is shown. The UL99 deletion BAC, 99KO, was then repaired with 800-bp linear PCR products encoding either wild-type sequences (99Rev) or mutant sequences (99STOP and 99ΔMyr) by previously described methods (10, 25, 26). The sequences containing the point mutations in BACs 99STOP and 99ΔMyr along with the corresponding sequence of the wild-type repaired BAC, 99Rev, are shown at the bottom, with changes in boldface italics.