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. 2011 Jan 13;8:4. doi: 10.1186/1742-4690-8-4

Table 1.

Clinical history of the SIVcpzPtt-Cam155 infected chimpanzee (Ch-Go) since his arrival at the sanctuary in November 2003.

Year Months Symptoms Viral load
(Log copies/ml)a
CD4/CD8 counts
2003 11 Cachexia, dehydratation, wounds to the groin at arrival in sanctuary 3.3 1.5

2004 02 Anorexic CD4 = 700; CD8 = 570

02-04 Respiratory illness

03 Balantidium coli, Entamoeba hartmanni, Trichomonas hominis 5.09

04 Strongyloides

05 CD4 = 1,380; CD8 = 1,010 130,000

06 Balantidium coli, Ancylostoma

2005 10 Cestode infection 8 3.5

2006 02-04 Respiratory illness

03 Swelling in eye lid surgically relieved

05 Fungal skin infection

11 Respiratory illness

2007 02 14 4.8

2008 01 Oral candidiasis complicated with bacterial infection

03 Nose bleeding

2009 08 An eye infection led to cataract and blindness in one eye CD4 = 287; CD8 = 1,523 16 7.3

11 Halitosis, bleeding gums and tooth decay 4.04 5,000

2010 01 Halitosis, bleeding gums and tooth decay 12.5 7.7

a Viral load was determined with the b-DNA method (Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0, Siemens, Erlangen, Federal Republic of Germany) in 2004 and with the Abbott RealTime™ HIV-1 assay (Abbott, Chicago, USA) in August 2009.

b CD4 and CD8 counts were determined with Dynabeads in February and May 2004 and with Flow Cytometry in August 2009.