Figure 3.
Reduction of cell vacuolation in treated dog brains. Brain coronal slabs were processed for 4-µm paraffin sections. Sections were stained with hematoxylin–eosin and cell vacuolation was scored semiquantitatively from zero to three in the frontal cortex, the occipital cortex, the thalamus and the caudate nucleus (1: up to 20% of affected cells; 2: up to 50%; 3: >50%). (a) Examples of frontal cortex sections scored 1 or 3 in treated (D30) or untreated (D14) MPSI dog, respectively, and in treated (B18) or untreated (B98) MPSIIIB dogs, respectively. (b) A color code indicates scores at each location for each treated or untreated dog examined in this study. A global score represented by the mean of the four determined scores is shown on the right (mean score). This score is used in Table 1 and Figure 2d. All treated dogs received immunosuppressant except B54, which did not receive immunosuppressant, and B89, in which immunosuppressant was halted two months before analysis. AAV, adeno-associated virus; MPSIII, mucopolysaccharidosis type III.