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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Soc Sci Res. 2011 Mar 1;40(2):417–432. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2010.08.010

Table 7.

Two-Level Models Predicting Respondent Attitudes Toward Children’s Behaviors Using Pooled Daughter and Son Measures (t-ratios in parentheses) – Parents only

Courtship Timing of Marriage Marriage and Children

Dating Young OK Sex Young OK Cohabit OK Ideal Age (Years) Work Before Important OK if No Marriage OK if No Children
Child’s Gender
 If Son Record .59*** (10.15) .60*** (10.19) .29*** (8.99) .75*** (11.35) .16*** (6.89) .01 (.18) .04* (1.67)
Social Desirability
 If Daughter Asked 1st −.19 (1.52) .18 (1.25) −.03 (.34) −.71*** (3.54) .11** (2.51) .03 (.33) −.08 (.95)
Respondent Gender
 If Respondent Male .33* (2.20) .36* (1.99) −.11 (1.01) −1.51*** (6.13) −.15** (2.86) .33*** (3.09) .13 (1.22)
Respondent Family Formation Experience
 Currently Married .00 (0.00) −.67* (1.65) −.23 (.99) .17 (.30) .02 (.21) .10 (.42) .00 (.02)
 Previously Married .01 (.01) −.25 (.57) −.13 (.49) .38 (.62) −.03 (.22) .30 (1.15) −.09 (.36)
 Ever Cohabited .21 (1.54) .50** (2.98) .66*** (6.77) .54** (2.37) −.03 (.62) −.02 (.20) .19* (1.98)
 Has Daughters −.37** (2.76) −.11 (.68) .01 (.09) .33 (1.47) .00 (.08) .01 (.10) .03 (.32)
 Age of Oldest Child −.01 (.34) .02 (.81) .01 (.77) −.08* (2.17) .02** (2.37) .02 (1.11) .01 (.79)
 # of Children Ever Born Or Adopted −.02 (.28) −.02 (.15) −.07 (1.20) −.27* (1.84) −.09** (2.93) .05 (.82) .02 (.40)
 Had Sex by Age 18 .12 (.83) .52** (2.97) .14 (1.38) .25 (1.05) .01 (.17) .06 (.54) .09 (.91)
Respondent Education, Work, Income
 Education (years) .03 (.87) −.08* (1.86) −.04 (1.57) .08 (1.26) −.02 (1.22) −.01 (.39) .00 (.17)
 Work (% last 6 months full-time) −.001 (.56) .003 (1.23) .002 (1.52) .01 (1.53) .00 (.96) .002* (1.70) .003** (2.33)
 Income (log 1993 family income) .09* (1.75) .10 (1.60) .05 (1.36) −.10 (1.10) .02 (1.24) .03 (.88) .00 (.07)
Respondent Religion
 Fundamental Protestant −.20 (.91) −.28 (1.06) −.23 (1.51) −.57 (1.60) .06 (.75) −.30* (1.97) −.21 (1.34)
 Catholic −.26* (1.70) .02 (.10) .05 (.48) .48* (1.91) .13** (2.40) −.09 (.86) −.09 (.85)
 Jewish, Other, None −.09 (.38) .09 (.31) −.09 (.53) .56 (1.37) −.04 (.44) −.30* (1.69) −.21 (1.19)
 Religious Service Attendance .01 (.26) −.22*** (3.76) −.14*** (4.07) −.08 (1.05) −.02 (1.05) −.06* (1.84) −.02 (.68)
N 993 989 993 990 994 994 993





p<.001 } one-tail