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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2010 Oct 7;52(3):296–305. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02317.x

Appendix Table 2.

Activation for the Control group. Statistical threshold was set at p <.05 small volume-corrected for each of the ROIs (amygdala, vPFC and striatum) using SPM5. Contrasts not reported were not significant at the threshold.

MNI Coordinates
Region Contrast Side BA Cluster
t p corrected x y z
Amygdala Sad vs. Baseline L 61 7.29 .000 −22 −2 −14
R 104 5.92 .000 26 2 −20
Fearful vs. Baseline L 61 6.91 .000 −26 −2 −14
R 104 7.46 .000 18 −8 −14
Happy vs. Baseline L 58 7.32 .000 −20 −4 −14
R 104 4.72 .001 20 −2 −14
Neutral vs. Baseline L 61 9.05 .000 −24 −2 −14
R 104 6.14 .000 20 −2 −14
Neutral vs Happy L 45 3.13 .017 −24 −8 −18
vPFC Sad vs. Baseline L 47 306 7.82 .000 −36 26 4
R 47 502 8.89 .000 38 22 0
Fearful vs. Baseline L 47 353 11.11 .000 −42 16 −4
R 47 464 10.10 .000 38 18 −4
Happy vs. Baseline L 47 183 6.40 .000 −32 26 4
R 47 447 9.68 .000 36 26 2
Neutral vs. Baseline L 47 315 6.98 .000 −36 18 −2
R 47 488 7.75 .000 34 30 −8
Striatum Sad vs. Baseline L 1385 7.45 .000 −20 −4 14
R 1399 7.88 .000 18 2 10
R 11 4.18 .012 28 −36 6
Fearful vs. Baseline L 1249 8.44 .000 −28 −4 8
R 1349 8.03 .000 20 2 10
Happy vs. Baseline L 1357 8.63 .000 −26 2 −6
R 1358 8.94 .000 16 2 10
Neutral vs. Baseline L 1381 8.76 .000 −24 −6 −8
R 1397 7.58 .000 20 −4 14
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