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. 2010 Sep 14;217(5):475–487. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2010.01300.x

Table 2.

Width of the adult pubic symphysis derived from imaging studies

Mean symphyseal width (mm)

Author (year) Type of imaging study and no. of participants Measurement plane/position of subjects Site of measurements Females Males
Abramson et al.(1934) Radiographic 33 nullipara 20 primipara 70 multipara 71♂ Coronal/supine Narrowest diameter between pubic bones 4.1 (nullipara) 4.2 (primipara) 4.6 (multipara) 4.4
Barnes (1934) Radiographic 130♂ 140♀ (non-pregnant) 81 primpara 99 multipara Coronal/unknown No details given 4.0 (non-pregnant) No mean value provided for pregnant women 4.2
Roberts (1934) Radiographic 59♀ Coronal Supine or prone Mid-point of pubic symphysis; no further details 2.6 (nullipara)
Vix & Ryu (1971) Radiographic 200♂, 200♀ Coronal/unknown Greatest width in mid-third of symphysis anteriorly 4.9 ± 1.1 5.9 ± 1.3
Björklund et al.(1996) Radiographic 15♀ Ultrasound 15♀ Coronal/unknown Axial/unknown Narrowest dimension of superior part of pubic symphysis; no further details 2.9 ± 0.9 Parity unknown 3.2 ± 1.1 Parity unknown
Sgambati et al.(1996) Radiographic 64♂, 32♀ Coronal/unknown Width of superior, middle and inferior parts of pubic symphysis anteriorly Superior: 4.3 Middle: 4.4 Inferior: 4.3 Superior: 4.4 Middle: 4.9 Inferior: 4.6
Wurdinger et al.(2002) MRI 11♀ Horizontal/supine No details given 5.0 ± 0.6 (nullipara)
Alicioglu et al.(2008) CT 264♂, 278♀ Axial/supine Width of anterior, middle and posterior parts of mid-pubic symphysis Anterior: 12.6 Middle: 4.6 Posterior: 3.7 Anterior: 11.8 Middle: 5.0 Posterior: 3.7

CT, computed tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.