Figure 3. CncC inhibits ISC proliferation in response to mitogenic signaling and in Notch loss-of-function conditions.
A: CncC represses JNK- and InR- induced ISC proliferation. Quantification of pH3+ cells in intestines expressing CncC, InR and/or the JNKK Hep in ISCs and EBs using the TARGET system. Intestines were analyzed 5 days after shift to the restrictive temperature (Average and SEM; Student's T-test; N shown in each bar).
B: Expression of CncC or repression of Keap (Keap1RNAi) limits growth of ISC and ee tumors, while reduced cnc genedose (cncVL110 heterozygosity) enhances tumor growth in Notch loss-of-function conditions. Expression of NRNAi and other transgenes was induced by shifting flies to restrictive temperature (29°C). Intestines were analyzed 5 days after induction. Representative intestines are shown (GFP, green and armadillo/prospero, red). Quantification of tumor sizes is shown below.
See also Figure S3.