Figure 2.
Superficial femoral artery (SFA) recanalization with self-expanding stent placement. A 67-year-old man presents with severe left calf claudication. Preprocedure ankle brachial indexes (ABI) and segmental pressures demonstrate moderate to severe left lower extremity disease at rest. (A) Angiogram from a contralateral right common femoral approach demonstrates a left mid SFA occlusion early (B) and late (C). The occlusion was crossed using road map technique with a 5-French multipurpose angled catheter and an angled hydrophilic 0.035 in hydrophilic guide wire (D). Subtraction angiogram after predilation of the recanalized SFA with a 4-mm angioplasty balloon (E). Deployment of a 6-mm diameter by 15-cm length Lifestent (Bard, Tempe, AZ) self-expanding nitinol stent (F). Dilation of the stent with a 6-mm diameter angioplasty balloon (G). Final subtraction angiogram demonstrating adequate flow in the stent. (H) Preserved three-vessel runoff. (not shown) Arterial noninvasive study performed the day after intervention demonstrates normal ankle brachial indexes in left lower extremity (I).