(A) Full spectra (0.00–10.00 ppm) and (B) magnification (×30) of aromatic region (6.00–9.00 ppm). Using the NMR Metabolic Profiling Database (Bruker) along with in-house standards, 42 metabolites could be assigned to the spectra. Numbers refer to the more abundant metabolites including; 1) branched amino acids including valine, isoleucine and leucine, 2) lactate, 3) alanine, 4) lysine, 5) acetate, 6) methionine, 7) glutamine, 8) HEPES, 9) glucose, 10) tyrosine, 11) histidine, 12) phenylalanine, 13) thiamine, 14) niacinamide and 15) formate. Spectra were internally calibrated to TSP at chemical shift δ = 0.00 ppm. For further details of metabolites assignments see Table 1.