Fig. 4.
Colocalization of Cl– and K+ channels in excised patches. a Current–voltage relationship of single-channel currents recorded an outside-out patch in the presence of 15 mM Cl– in the medium at a PCO2 of 70 mmHg. The holding potential was changed from +40 to –70 mV in 10-mV steps (left to right). The inset shows the summary graph comparing the I–V relations for control (n = 7, black squares) and lowered Cl– (open circles, n = 3). Bars are SEMs. b A continuous current record from the patch before and during the application of low Cl– aCSF. Portions of the record in control aCSF (i) and low Cl– aCSF (ii) are shown below. Note that the reduction of extracellular Cl– ions reduces both the holding current and basal noise. Outside-out patch held at +10 mV