Amino acid levels in plasma. Amino acid levels in the plasma of rats fed either a low protein (dark bars) or a normal protein (light bars) diet. Data are mean ± S.E. The amino acids are abbreviated as follows: ASP A, aspartic acid; GLU A, glutamic acid; ASN, asparagine; SER, serine; GLN, glutamine; GLY, glycine; HIST, histidine; THR, threonine; CIT, citrulline; ALA, alanine; TAUR, taurine; ARG, arginine; TYR, tyrosine; ABA, aminobutyric acid; METH, methionine; VAL, valine; TRY, tryptophan; PHE, phenylalanine; ISO, isoleucine; LEU, leucine; ORN, ornithine; LYS, lysine. *, p = 0.001; §, p = 0.007.