The CpxR protein enhances amiA transcription by binding to the amiA promoter. A, primer extension for mapping the transcription start site of amiA. The cDNA products were synthesized using 32P-labeled primer 1472 and total RNA templates isolated from wild-type (14028s) carrying pUHE21 (vector) (lane 2) and pnlpE (pYS2132) (lane 3) and cpxR mutant carrying pnlpE (lane 4). Transcription starts at −71 and −62 are shown in boldface capital letters. B, EMSA. A 32P-labeled DNA fragment of wild-type amiA promoter was incubated with different amounts (0, 25, and 50 pmol) of His6-CpxR, shown in lanes 1–3. Lane 4, same as lane 3 but supplemented with “cold” amiA promoter fragment. His6-CpxR-DNA mixtures were subjected to 4% polyacrylamide electrophoresis. The location of DNA migration was detected by autoradiography. C, DNase I footprinting analysis of the wild-type amiA promoter with probes for the coding and noncoding strands and increasing amounts of His6-CpxR protein (50 and 100 pmol). Solid vertical lines correspond to the CpxR-binding sites, RI and RII. D, DNase I footprinting analysis of the CpxR box (box 1)-substituted amiA promoter with probes for the coding strand and increasing amounts of His6-CpxR protein (50 and 100 pmol). Solid vertical lines correspond to the substituted CpxR box. E, DNA sequence of the amiA promoter region. The underlines correspond to the CpxR-binding sites, RI and RII. The boxes correspond to sequences (box 1) resembling the consensus CpxR box. The putative −35 and −10 boxes for the transcription started from −62 described in A are labeled with solid braces. The highlighted sequences correspond to an alternative CpxR box (box 2), and the putative −35 and −10 regions for the transcription started from −71 are labeled with dashed braces. Numbering in C–E is from the predicted start codon of amiA.