Expression of MTP in neural progenitor cells. A, NP cells isolated from the SVZ of the LV (aNPC) or differentiated from mouse ES cells (ESC-NPC) were examined by RT-PCR for MTP expression. Both mRNA (B) and protein (C) of MTP were detected in extracts of adult mouse whole brain (WB), neural cortex (CX), hippocampus (HP), striatum (ST), and SVZ of adult mouse brain. D, RT-PCR of MTP in the NP cells differentiated from the 46C-ES cell (first lane), in mouse brain endothelial cells (second lane), in primary astrocytes (third lane), and in primary microglia (fourth lane) isolated from mouse brain. Mouse small ribosome protein 15 (S15) is used as an internal loading control. Actin (ACT) is used as loading control for Western blot.