In-situ MRIs acquired on a 7T horizontal bore animal scanner of mouse hearts with transmural cryo-lesion. Left column (A, B) lesion only. Corresponding slices of a heart 2 weeks after cryo-lesion without implantation of cardiomyocytes. Right column (C, D) corresponding slices of a cryoinjured heart 2 weeks after implantation of embryonic cardiomyocytes prelabeled with USPIOs. Top row (A, C) slices of a three-dimensional data set acquired with a T2*-weighted gradient echo sequence (60 ms TR and 22 ms TE). Bottom row (B, D) slices of a three-dimensional data set acquired with a proton density-weighted gradient echo sequence (200 ms TR and 3.2 ms TE). The subpanels, inserted in the center of the figure, depict the regions of interest, selectively zoomed from the individual four main panels to better demonstrate the affected region-of-interest. The hypointense areas on the T2*-weighted images (subpanels of A and C) are encircled and the shapes are projected onto the proton density-weighted images (subpanels of C and D) to demonstrate the change in hypointense areas. (From [35] with permission)