Capacity for regulation of
simple circuits and with two cascades using a different hierarchy
of upstream and downstream regulators. S, 2 mM salicylate; B, 2
mM benzoate; 3,5dClS, 2 mM 3,5-dichlorosalicylate. Basal values
of β-galactosidase activity from each
circuit established in E.coli were the following: nahR/Psal, 65 MU (black bars); xylS2/Pm, 192 MU (open bars); nahR/Psal→xylS2/Pm, 169 MU (gray bars); xylS2/Pm→nahR/Psal,
69 MU (hatched bars). Data are the mean values of three independent
experiments. The corresponding standard deviations are indicated
with error bars.