Table 1.
Information about the GSF family of voxelized models as described in Petoussi-Henss et al. (Ref. 11) and Fill et al. (Ref. 12).
Name | Gender | Age | Phantom type | Weight (kg) | Height (cm) | Scan length (cm)a | Perimeter (cm)b |
Baby | Female | 8 weeks | Whole body | 4.2 | 57 | 15.2 | 36.3 |
Child | Female | 7 yr | Whole body | 21.7 | 115 | 24.8 | 59.7 |
Golem | Male | 38 yr | Whole body | 68.9 | 176 | 31.2 | 87.4 |
Frank | Male | 48 yr | Torso and head | (65.4)c | (96.5)c | 26.0 | 124.5 |
Visible Human | Male | 38 yr | From knees upward | 103.2 (87.8)c | 180 (125)c | 33.0 | 102.9 |
Irene | Female | 32 yr | Whole body | 51 | 163 | 25.5 | 66.5 |
Donna | Female | 40 yr | Whole body | 79 | 170 | 29.0 | 95.0 |
Helga | Female | 26 yr | From midthigh upward | 81 (76.8)c | 170 (114)c | 33.0 | 106.2 |
Refers to abdominal scan length defined as ∼1 cm superior to the top of the diaphragm to ∼1 cm inferior to the illiosacral joint.
Refers to perimeter of the phantom taken from the central slice of the scan region.
Data in parentheses refer to the weight or height of the voxelized phantom; data not in parentheses refer to the weight or height of the actual patient whose images were used to generate the model.