Function of the AR2 site
in anaerobic induction. (A) FY23 cells were transformed
with the C6 plasmid, which contains the AR2 site on a 46 bp fragment, or,
in descending order, by plasmid M2, M4 or M6. The latter three plasmids
are derivatives of C6 generated by introduction of the indicated
nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 site (M2, AAAAATTaTTGA;
M4, AAAAAccGTTGA; M6, gtctcTTGTTGA). Transformed cells were grown
under anaerobic and aerobic conditions and analyzed for β-galactosidase
as described in Figure 2. (B) FY23 cells were transformed
with the plasmid AR2/MEL1 or the MEL1 vector.
Transformants were grown under anaerobic and aerobic conditions
and analyzed for α-galactosidase as
described in Materials and Methods.