Figure 5.
Chromosome Territory Compaction Distinguishes between Xa and Xi in a Transcription-Dependent Manner
(A) Analysis of X chromosome territories by 3D DNA/RNA FISH in SATO3 female lymphoblastoid cells using DNA probes for the X-chromosome (green) and a probe against XIST (red).
(B) Radial position of the two X chromosomes was determined by calculating the amount of territory signal present in images of nuclei that had been divided into rings of equal area (n = 89).
(C) The area of the Xa and the Xi chromosome territories was measured from segmented nuclei (p values were determined by Wilcoxon test for paired samples).
(D)Actinomycin D treatment inhibits transcription (error bar is ±SEM).
(E) The area of the Xa and the Xi chromosome territories measured after transcription inhibition by actinomycin D (p values were determined by Wilcoxon test for paired samples). See also Figure S5.