Fig. 3.
Consumption of increasing concentrations of ethanol by B6, FVB inbred strains and their reciprocal F1 hybrids after two consecutive periods of abstinence in a two-bottle preference test. a–d Amount of ethanol consumed (g/kg/day) in B6, FVB, B6xFVB F1 and FVBxB6 F1 hybrids correspondently. e–h Preference for ethanol in B6, FVB, B6xFVB F1 and FVBxB6 F1 hybrids, respectively. i–l Total fluid intake (g/kg/day) in B6, FVB, B6xFVB F1 and FVBxB6 F1 hybrids correspondently. n—See legends to Fig. 1. Ethanol and water intake were measured after first and after second periods of abstinence at 9, 18 and 27% concentrations of ethanol. These numbers were compared with data for experimentally naïve mice (first presentation of ethanol). *1—Statistically significant differences from initial trial (0) and trial 1 within one concentration of ethanol solution (two-way ANOVA with Post hoc Bonferroni Test). *2—Statistically significant differences from initial trial (0) and trial 2 within one concentration of ethanol solution (two-way ANOVA with Post hoc Bonferroni Test). For P values see Supplemental Tables VI, VII. R0—round 1 (ethanol naïve mice); R1—round 2, repeated presentation of ethanol after 1 week of ethanol deprivation; R2—round 3, repeated presentation of ethanol after another week of ethanol deprivation