Figure 3. Heatmap of Bonferonni-significant differentially expressed between control and preeclamptic placentas.
While there is significant heterogeneity in human gene expression, the relatively large sample size of our microarray study allowed us to sensitively detect differential expression using a linear mixed model analysis. Reassuringly, unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the expression patterns of differentially expressed genes groups all preeclamptic and the majority of control gene expression profiles together. Some normal samples do cluster with preeclamptic samples, indicating that there may be different molecular subclassifications of preeclampsia worthy of further investigation. Preeclamptic/control status is indicated in the text to the left of the heatmap and by color (preeclampsia = green, control = red) to the right of the heatmap at each branch of the dendrogram. Patients are grouped along the Y-axis, while genes are clustered along the X-axis.