Ablation of either CD47 or TSP-1 has no effect on either in vivo transendothelial permeability or tight junction cortical localization in vitro. (A) Jugular-infused luciferase (70 kDa) leakage into the contusion was assessed 3 days post-injury in WT (n=13), CD47−/− (n=6) and TSP-1−/− (n=7) mice. Data are means ± SEM. (B–E) The tight junction protein ZO-1 (green) exhibited cortical EC localization after 24 hr incubation with either 50 µg/ml IgG control (B), 20 µg/ml anti-CD47 Ab B6H12 (C), 50 µg/ml -TSP-1 C-terminus (D), or 50 µg/ml anti-CD47 Ab MIAP301 (E). PECAM (blue), ICAM-1 (red). Photomicrographs are representative of three 96-well replicates each from two independent experiments.