Ubiquitous and tissue-restricted regulation of sex-specific alternative splicing. (Top) Schematic representation of alternative splicing patterns corresponding to the genes indicated and of splice junctions differentially regulated in female flies, as predicted by the microarray data. (Bottom) Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of gene expression (exp) and alternative junctions (sjnc) in female vs. male flies, bodies and heads, as well as Kc vs. S2 cell lines. The alternative junctions analyzed correspond to those indicated in bold in the top panel. The three events exemplify three categories of sex-specific changes observed in more than 30 other genes (Supplemental Table 1): unc-115 is an example of ubiquitous sex-specific differences observed throughout the fly and also in cell lines; Ald is an example of sex-specific differences observed only in the body but not in heads or cell lines; bcd represents an event displaying sex-specific differences only in the head.