Effect of hQC overexpression and QC knock-out on Aβ levels in 5XFAD mice. Quantification of Aβx-42 and AβpE3–42 using ELISA showed significant changes in TBS, SDS, and formic acid (FA) fractions in 5XFAD, 5XFAD/hQC, and 5XFAD/QC-KO mouse brain. SDS and FA fractions were pooled for quantification. Aβx-42 levels were significantly reduced in the SDS+FA fraction of 5XFAD/QC-KO mice. AβpE3–42 levels were significantly elevated in all fractions in 5XFAD/hQC mice. Although in the TBS fraction of 5XFAD/QC-KO mice the levels of AβpE3–42 were below the limit of quantitation, in the SDS+FA fractions of 5XFAD/QC-KO mice the levels of AβpE3–42 were significantly reduced. **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001. LOQ, limit of quantitation. Error bars, S.E.