Sphingolipid changes in brain tissue or brain mitochondria during rat development. Sphingolipids were analyzed in total brain tissue lysate (A) or isolated brain mitochondria (B) from rats at various ages. Ceramide, SPH, S1P, or SM content was gradually increased in developing rat brain tissue or mitochondria. The data are expressed as fold-increase in mitochondria content for postnatal day 1 (P1) brains or postnatal day 10 (P10) brains. Data are mean ± S.E., *, p < 0.05, n = 16. Each sample was normalized to its respective total protein levels. C, lack of mitochondrial contamination with various cellular membranes was characterized by Western blot using specific antibodies: anti-α1 subunit Na+/K+-ATPase (plasma membrane marker), anti-calnexin (ER marker), anti-LAMP-2 (lysosomal marker), anti-VDAC (mitochondrial marker), and anti-myelin basic protein (MBP, myelin marker). An equal amount of brain (Brain) or brain mitochondria (Mito) lysate (10 μg) was loaded into the lane.