Rooted neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rDNA sequences of published Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus species and related microorganisms [11], and the S. domuncula Mn(II)-oxidizing microorganism (strain BAC-SubDo-03). The following published sequences were selected. The Mn(II)-oxidizing bacteria GB02-14C (DQ079004); the sequences from GB02-25 (DQ079010), GB02-2A (DQ079008) and GB02-27 (DQ078997) belonging to the PL-12 related cluster; from the SG-1 cluster (collected at hydrothermal vents; [20]) the Bacillus species GB02-5 (DQ078996), GB02-30 (DQ079007) and GB02-16 (DQ079006) and finally, from the hot spring clones DGG2, the clones GB02-31 (DQ079000) and GB02-29 (DQ079002). The sequence, from Bacillus species MB-7 (AF326364), falling within the “halo” cluster [11], was used as outgroup. Bootstrap values based on 1,000 replicates, is indicated at the branch points.