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. 2011 Jan 25;12:14. doi: 10.1186/1471-2156-12-14

Table 3.

Estimates of heritability, standard deviations and common environment variance ratios for different traits.

Trait σ a σ c h2 (S.E) C2 (S.E)
BW01(Kg)1 0.0045 2.99 0.00(0.00) 0.43(0.06)
BW17(Kg)1 18.25 17.11 0.12(0.20) 0.11(0.08)
BW40(Kg) 99.60 36.36 0.32(0.22) 0.04(0.07)
BW60(Kg) 241.17 41.13 0.39(0.26) 0.01(0.08)
BW80(Kg) 396.29 0.06 0.42(0.12) 1.09E-08(0.00)
BW120(Kg) 652.68 0.04 0.40(0.12) 1.86E-09(0.00)
PBM(%) 0.39 7.11E-10 0.30(0.10) 1.36E-09(0.00)
BrL(mm) 5.51 4.80E-06 0.15(0.06) 2.37E-08(0.00)
BrW(mm) 3.30 1.12E-07 0.17(0.07) 1.73E-09(0.00)
PDL(%) 0.40 NI 0.12(0.06) NI
pHu 0.03 NI 0.09(0.04) NI
L* 0.90 NI 0.27(0.09) NI
a* 0.54 NI 0.30(0.09) NI
b* 0.30 NI 0.15(0.05) NI
Aswt(Kg) 737.68 0.07 0.30(0.10) 2.67E-09(0.00)
tmid(day) 0.80 0.00021 0.05(0.04) 3.44E-09(0.00)
scale(day) 0.41 0.00037 0.11(0.06) 8.99E-08(0.00)

σ a = Additive genetic standard deviation; σ c = common environment standard deviation; h2 (S.E) = heritability estimates with standard errors (S.E); c2 (S.E) = common environment variance ratio with standard errors (S.E); BW01, BW17, BW40, BW60, BW80, and BW120 are the BW at days 1,17, 40, 60, 80, and 120 of age; PBM = percentage breast meat at 20 wk of age; BrL = breast length at 20 wk of age; BrW = breast width at 20 wk of age; PDL = percent drip loss at 20 wk of age; pHu = ultimate pH at 20 wk of age; L* = lightness at 20 wk of age; a* = redness at 20 wk of age; b* = yellowness at 20 wk of age; Aswt = upper asymptote (estimated growth curve parameter); tmid = inflection point at 50% asymptote (estimated growth curve parameter); scale = constant that is proportional to the overall growth rate (estimated growth curve parameter). NI = Not Included (common environment) in the analysis for the trait. 1 = Full model with common environment effect was found significantly different from the reduced model for these traits; P < 0.05.