Figure 2.
TSPAN8 and CAPG are strongly upregulated in T1C3 invasive melanoma cells. Invasive (T1C3) and non-invasive (IC8) melanoma cells were cell surface stained with mAbs directed against TSPAN8, RELN and FXYD5, and intracellularly stained with anti-CAPG, BCL11A, ID3 and renalase. (A) Data from a representative experiment showing flow cytometry profile of IC8 and T1C3 melanoma cells stained with the indicated mAbs. Filled histograms represent specific and open histograms isotype-matched control antibodies. (B) Results for a given protein are expressed as the following ratio: MFI in T1C3/MFI in IC8 cells ±s.d. of three independent experiments. Statistical significance was assessed using Student's t-test: ***P<0.001. (C) Total cell lysates from IC8 and T1C3 were subjected to western blot analysis with antibodies specific for CAPG and TSPAN8, actin serving as a loading control.