A. CH12.LX cells stably expressing similar amounts of hCD40-Wt (hCD40Wt.T3+/+, hCD40WT.T3−/−) or hCD40-P227A (P227A.T3+/+, P227A.T3−/−) were stimulated for the indicated times with medium (BCM; 0 time point), insect cells infected with WT baculovirus (Hi5), or insect cells infected with a baculovirus encoding hCD154 (Hi5-hCD154). Total cell lysates were resolved by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for phosphorylated JNK, followed by total JNK as a loading control. Data are representative of 5 independent experiments. At least two clones of each cell line were tested with similar results.
B. Images were quantified and normalized to the amount of total JNK. Results shown are representative of 5 independent experiments, with at least two clones of each cell line tested with similar results.