Several lincRNAs show enriched expression in iPSCs compared with ESCs. A) Heatmap of 28 and 52 lincRNAs that are more highly expressed in fibroblast-derived iPSCs (left) and CD34+-derived iPSCs (right), respectively, compared with ESCs (>2fold, FWER<0.05). Expression values are represented in shades of red and blue relative to being above (red) or below (blue) the median expression value across all samples (log scale 2, from -3 to +3). B) Top: Venn Diagram shows 10 lincRNAs that are commonly enriched in fibroblast- and CD34+-derived iPSCs. Bottom: qRT-PCR validation of the 10 commonly enriched lincRNAs (named according to their 3’ protein-coding gene neighbor) across three human ESC lines (H1, H9, BG01), fibroblasts (MRC5, MSC, hFib2) and CD34+ cells, and their derivative iPSC lines. Expression values are represented relative to the RNA levels in H9 ESCs.