Figure 3. Wolbachia strain-specific regulation of Anopheles gambiae immune pathways.
Anopheles immune networks regulated by wRi (A) and wAlbB (B). Pathways are models of the IMD and Toll pathways [81] and components of the melanization regulatory module [51] divided into the 4 broad categories of immune molecules. Blue color represents induction, while yellow color represents suppression. The intensity of coloring is proportional to the intensity of expression. Regulation is depicted to a maximum fold change of ±4. Some transcripts were greater than ±4 regulated. Abbreviations: LLR leucine rich repeats; FBNs fibrinogens; TEPs thioester containing proteins; GNBPs Gram-negative binding proteins; CTLs C type lectins; CLIPs clip-domain serine protease; PGRPs peptidoglycan recognition proteins; SRPNs serpins; CEC cecropins; Def defensins; PPO Prophenoloxidase; PO phenoloxidase; LYS lysozmyes.