Fig. 3.
HPC, CFU-Hill and ECFC counts in peripheral venous blood of patients with pulmonary hypertension according to treatment subtype. a No difference is observed in HPC according to treatment subtype (oral mono and/or bitherapy with or without subcutaneous treprostinil with respectively, a P = 0.52 and 0.76 vs. not treated PAH). b No difference is observed in CFU-Hill colonies determined by cell culture according to treatment subtype (oral mono and/or bitherapy with or without subcutaneous treprostinil with respectively, a P = 0.64 and 0.19 vs. not treated PAH). c No difference is observed in ECFC determined by cell culture after oral mono and/or bitherapy (P = 0.22) while a significant increase in ECFC was observed with subcutaneous treprostinil treatment (* P = 0.04)