Data collection statistics |
Wavelength (Å) |
0.9795 |
0.9795 |
0.9795 |
Resolution (Å) |
50-3.00 |
50-1.85 |
50-2.0 |
Outershell Resolution (Å) |
2.95-3.00 |
1.79-1.85 |
1.95-2.0 |
Space group |
P212121 |
P21 |
P212121 |
Cell dimensions (Å) |
91.47,118.34,137.97 |
48.59,112.7,67.73 |
70.19,78.24,108.39 |
(°) |
90.0, 90.0, 90. |
90.0, 104.84, 90.0 |
90.0, 90.0, 90.0 |
Number of molecules/asymmetric unit |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Redundancy (overall/outermost shell) |
7.1 (6.5) |
2.5 (2.3) |
13.0 (12.8) |
I/σ(I) (overall/outermost shell) |
10.7 (2.7) |
10.9 (4.0) |
20.8 (3.7) |
Rmerge (overall/outermost shell) |
0.198 (0.648) |
0.075 (0.213) |
0.141 (0.73) |
Completeness (%) (ovrall/outmost shell) |
99.7 (98.9) |
89.8 (97.2) |
100.0 (99.9) |
No. of Reflections |
30715 |
54,877 |
41,113 |
Refinement statistics |
Resolution range (Å) |
50-3.00 |
31.43-1.85 |
50-2.00 |
No. of reflections |
30439 |
54,241 |
41038 |
Completeness (work+test)(%) |
99.22 |
90.56 |
99.97 |
R factor (%) |
19.27 |
18.94 |
19.34 |
R free (%) |
25.03 |
22.89 |
24.43 |
No. of protein atoms |
8573 |
4571 |
4525 |
No. of water molecules |
87 |
611 |
388 |
No of ligand atoms |
72 |
36 |
45 |
Mean B value (overall, Å2) |
32.54 |
19.56 |
22.82 |
rmsd bonds (Å) |
0.07 |
0.014 |
0.01 |
rmsd angles (degrees) |
1.008 |
1.42 |
1.27 |
Ramachandran plot analysis: |
Most favored region (additionally allowed) (%) |
93.90 (5.00) |
95.85 (2.89) |
95.46 (3.27) |
Disallowed region (%) |
1.09 |
2.89 |
1.27 |