Fig. 2.
Differential electrophysiological response in the PMC and non-PMC during rest and math conditions. (A) ERSP maps during rest and math conditions for electrodes located within the right PMC and LPC in subject 2. (B) Across trials, GP increased in the PMC 384 ± 138 ms (median ± SE) after the onset of rest cue and persisted throughout the trial (5 s), whereas the LPC showed only a transient increase in GP of 318 ± 217 ms after the onset of rest cue. During the math condition, the PMC showed decreased GP, whereas the LPC displayed an increase in GP 257 ± 40 ms after the onset of math stimuli until it ended shortly before the subject responded. ERSPs during the math task are aligned to the time of stimulus onset (stim), the midpoint of onset-to-response-time (mid), and the time of response (response).