Fig. 8.
DHT sensitizes the ventral UGS to budding inhibition by TCDD. Some dams were implanted with sustained-release DHT pellets on E13.5, and all dams were dosed orally with vehicle or TCDD (5 µg/kg) on E15.5. UGSs were collected on the day of birth. A–F: SEM images of ventral UGE. Samples are from wild-type females exposed to vehicle/placebo (A), TCDD (B), or DHT + TCDD (C), and from Tfm males exposed to vehicle/placebo (D), TCDD (E), or DHT + TCDD (F). All images are ventral views, taken with samples in the same orientation (cranial at the top and caudal at the bottom) and at the same nominal magnification. Ventral buds are tinted orange. G: Ventral bud counts (mean ± SE). An asterisk indicates a significant difference from the control group, and a dagger indicates a significant difference from the TCDD alone group (p < 0.05). There were 3–7 replicates per group.