Figure 15.
Rescue of DNA damage in fibroblast-MCF7 co-cultures with NAC and L-NAME. Treatment with NAC and L-NAME abolishes DNA double strand breaks in co-culture. Day2 co-cultures of hTERT-fibroblasts and MCF7 cells were treated with 10 mM NAC or with 20 mM L-NAME or with vehicle alone (H2O) for 72 hours. Then, cells were immunostained with anti-gamma-H2AX (red) antibodies. DAPI was used to stain nuclei (blue). Upper panels show only the red channel to appreciate gamma-H2AX staining, while the lower panels show nuclei staining. High levels of DNA double strand breaks are detected in co-cultured cells. Note that treatment with NAC and L-NAME abolishes DNA double strand breaks in co-cultured cells. Importantly, images were acquired using identical exposure settings. Original magnification, 40x.