A: The number of QNPs immunostained for BrdU+ did not change in any experimental group.
B: The number of ANPs immunostained for BrdU was significantly increased in the HF animals, demonstrating that they are proliferating more whereas the mitotic activity of the QNPs did not change.
C-L: Representative confocal microscopy images from DG sections of LF (C-G), and HF (H-L) animals. Anti-BrdU staining is shown in magenta (D,I), and anti-CFP staining is shown in green (E,J); the overlap is seen as yellow in (F,K). Anti-GFAP staining, to distinguish between the QNPs (arrows in C,H) and the ANPs is shown in blue (G,L). In the image from the HF animal, higher numbers of BrdU+, ANPs, and BrdU+ANPs as compared to the LF animals, are evident.
M,N: The relative proportion of BrdU+QNPs within the QNP population (n) or BrdU+ANPs within the ANP population were not altered in any group.
O,P: The relative proportion of BrdU+QNPs within the population of BrdU+ cells was significantly decreased in the HF as compared to the NF and LF groups (P); the decrease is due to the increase in BrdU+ cells as the number of QNPs remains constant. The relative proportion of BrdU+ANPs within the ANP population, however, was not affected by stimulation of the ATN (P). Data are shown as mean±s.e.m (n=5 mice for the NF group and 6 for LF and HF groups). **p<0.005, ***p<0.001. Scale bars are 10μm.