Fig 3.
Co-localization of immunoreactive CRH and immunoreactive TORC 2 in the dorsomedial region of the PVN Rats were subjected to restraint stress for up to 1h and killed at 30 min or 3h after termination of the stress (240 min) (A). Hypothalamic sections were stained for TORC 2 and CRH as described in Methods. CRH neurons with nuclear localization of irTORC2 indicated by arrows, and neurons with cytoplasmic irTORC 2 are shown by arrowheads. Nuclear localization of TORC2 in rats subjected to 30 min restraint was confirmed by DAPI staining as shown in B. Arrows point to the corresponding DAPI staining in 4 neurons. No staining was observed in the absence of TORC and CRH antibodies. The magnification bars correspond to 20μm.