Figure 5.
Rapalog-induced recruitment is not reversible by rapalog washout. (A) Frames from a time-lapse recording showing RFP-labeled peroxisomes in a KIF1A-FRB expressing cell. Rapalog was added at time 0:00 and washed out at time 30:00. (B) Time-coded color plot from the recording in A, in which blue and red mark distributions before (starting 15 min after Rapalog addition) and after washout, respectively. (C) Time traces of R90% for four different cells (red). The black curve shows average ± SE; 0.1 μm rapalog was present from 0 to 30 min. (D) Recruitment of GFP-FRB (bottom) to RFP-FKBP labeled peroxisomes (top) using 1 mM rapalog present from 0 to 15 min. (E and F) Time trace of GFP intensity in regions with (black) and without (red) peroxisomes in the presence of 1 μM (E) and 10 nM (F) rapalog. Regions with peroxisomes were identified by thresholding the RFP time series. Traces were normalized by the average GFP intensity before rapalog addition in peroxisome-containing regions. Plots show average ± SE for 5 (E) and 4 (F) cells. (G) Ratio between the average GFP intensity in regions with and without peroxisomes calculated from E and F. Ratios start just above one because free cytoplasmic GFP levels are higher in the thicker perinuclear region that contains the peroxisomes. (H) Time traces of peroxisome-bound GFP intensities relative to the initial intensity of free GFP, obtained by subtracting a normalized time trace of cytoplasmic GFP intensity from the GFP intensity in peroxisome-containing regions.