Figure 1.
Polymer mass decay in Listeria actin comet tails is best fit by a simple exponential. (A) Maximum intensity projection of GFP-actin in a Listeria comet tail in a BSC-1 cell, taken over a timelapse movie. Red contour shows a trace of the Listeria trajectory. Scale bar = 5 μm. (B) GFP-actin decay curve (blue circles) for the Listeria trajectory in panel A. Error bars give the standard deviation in the decay curve across the trajectory. Smooth curves give best fits of the polymer mass decay to a simple exponential exp(–τ) (red, χ2exp = 0.0087); inflected exponential (1 + τ) · exp(– τ), (green, χ2inf = 0.24); hyperbola 1/(1 + τ), (black, χ2hyp = 0.40); and squared hyperbola 1/(1 + τ)2, (purple, χ2sqh = 0.11). All fits contain a single fitting parameter k, where τ = kt. (C) Ratio of sum-squared errors comparing best fits of other candidate curves to that of a simple exponential: (I) F = χ2inf/χ2exp, 〈F〉 = 5.9; (II) F = χ2hyp/χ2exp, 〈F〉 = 22.7); and (III) F = χ2sqh//χ2exp, 〈F〉 = 8.2. Fits from 23 Listeria comet tails were used. The simple exponential is the best fit to experimental data.