Experimental design for assessing cell survival and the activation of newborn neurons in the MOB and AOB. Three additional groups of adult WT and ArKO female mice were submitted to 3 distinct hormonal treatments for 3 wk. OVX and OVX-E2 groups were ovariectomized on the first day and returned to their home cages for 3 wk. On d 21, all mice received 4 BrdU injections (at 2-h intervals) and were returned to their respective cages for 4 wk. OVX-E2 mice received implants the day after BrdU injections and kept the implants for the remaining 4 wk of the experiment. Vaginal smears (stars) were performed in intact mice at the time of the first BrdU injection on d 21 and again on the final day of the experiment, just before sacrifice (S). On the final day, all mice were separated into 2 subgroups, isolated for 2 h before stimulation, and exposed for 30 min to either deionized water or to male urinary odors. Mice were killed 60 min later to assess immediate Zif268 gene expression.