Coexpression of BrdU and Zif268 in the MOB and AOB granular cell layers after exposure to male urinary odors. A) Representative image of a BrdU+ Zif268+ double-labeled cell (asterisk), a BrdU+ Zif268− cell (arrow), and a Zif268+ BrdU− cell (arrowhead) in the GrCL of the MOB after stimulation to male urinary odors. B) High magnification showing a BrdU+ Zif268+ double-labeled cell (asterisk), a BrdU+ Zif268− cell (arrow) and a Zif268+ BrdU− cell (arrowhead) in the GrCL of the AOB after stimulation to male urinary odors. C) Percentage of BrdU-Zif268 cells after exposure to water (control) or to male urinary odors counted in the GrCL of the MOB. D) Percentage of BrdU-Zif268 cells after exposure to water (control) or to male urinary odors counted in the GrCL of the AOB. OVX: WT, n = 6; ArKO, n = 6. Intact: WT, n = 6; ArKO, n = 4. OVX-E2: WT, n = 6; ArKO, n = 6. Values are means ± se. Scale bars = 6 μm. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.005 vs. control; SP < 0.05, SSSP < 0.005 vs. WT; 2-way ANOVA followed by Fisher's post hoc test.