Figure 4.
Augurin immunoreactivity and Ecrg4 gene expression decreases in the CP following CNS injury. A and B: Augurin immunoreactivity decreased in rat choroid plexus after penetrating CNS injury. A: Augurin immunoreactivity in the brains of control rats was, as anticipated, readily detectable in the cytoplasm of CPe cells. In certain areas, this staining appeared apical. B: There was an apparent decrease in augurin at 1 day post injury (d.p.i.). Augurin: red, DAPI: blue, scale bar = 20 μm. C and D: Ecrg4 gene expression decreased in rat choroid plexus after penetrating CNS injury. C: Ecrg4 gene expression in the brains of control rats was, as anticipated, readily detectable by in situ hybridization in the cytoplasm of CP epithelial cells. D: As shown in Panel D however, there was an apparent decrease in Ecrg4 gene expression staining in the CP-containing sections processed from animals 24 h post injury (d.p.i.). Scale bar = 20 μm.