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. 2011 Feb 17;5:9. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00009

Table 2.

Description of goal management training (GMT) and brain health workshop (BHW) interventions.

GMT session Objectives BHW session Objectives
1. Slip-ups Overall introduction Defining goals, absentmindedness, action slips Raising awareness of consequences of action slips 1. Introduction General introduction Basic brain anatomy and cognition Etiology of brain damage and assessment modalities
2. Stop the Automatic Pilot Defining automatic pilot (habit vs. control distinction) How automatic pilot can lead to errors Stopping the automatic pilot 2. Neuroplasticity Hebbian learning Importance of keeping brain active Functional assessment of brain activity
3. The mental blackboard and present-mindedness Defining the mental blackboard (working memory) Using “STOP!” to check the mental blackboard Mindfulness exercise to promote present-mindedness 3. Memory I Review: Brain jeopardy Importance of memory Types of memory, memory processes
4. Slate your goal Being sidetracked from your goal Stating goals to activate working memory representation “STOP!” (present-mindedness)-STATE cycle 4. Memory II Memory and the brain How memory breaks down Functional implications of memory loss
5. Making decisions Examples of competing goals Understanding emotional reaction to competing goals, including indecision To-Do Lists in the “STOP”-STATE cycle 5. Attention and executive functions Defining executive functioning and attention How executive functions and attention break down Group problem-solving exercises
6. Splitting tasks into subtasks Defining overwhelming goals that require splitting Organizing goal hierarchies “STOP!”-STATE-SPLIT cycle 6. Lifestyle and neuroplasticity I Influence of lifestyle on neuroplasticity and recovery Stress and brain function Sleep and brain function
7. Checking (STOP!) Recognizing errors in “STOP!”-STATE-SPLIT cycle Using “STOP!” to monitor output Review 7. Lifestyle and neuroplasticity II Nutrition and brain function Physical exercise and brain function Review and brain jeopardy