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. 2010 Jul 1;1(1):15–46. doi: 10.3727/215517910X516673

Table 3.

Selected Literature in Preclinical Therapeutic Application of Schwann Cells

Disease Animal Host Year Reference Publication Title
Spinal cord trauma
 Hemitransected cord mouse 1995 254 Reinnervation of peripheral nerve segments implanted into the hemisected spinal cord estimated by transgenic mice
 Transected dorsal column rat 1994 214 Schwann cells induce sprouting in motor and sensory axons in the adult rat spinal cord
 Transected cord mouse and rat 1981 2 Influences of the glial environment on the elongation of axons after injury: Transplantation studies in adult rodents
rat 1995 408 Axonal regeneration into Schwann cell-seeded guidance channels grafted into transected adult rat spinal cord
 Contusion cat 1982 403 Reconstruction of the contused cat spinal cord by the delayed nerve graft technique and cultured peripheral non-neuronal cells
rat 1993 249 Syngeneic grafting of adult rat DRG-derived Schwann cells to the injured spinal cord
 Photochemical lesion rat 1994 46 Transplantation of purified populations of Schwann cells into lesioned adult rat spinal cord
 Compression injury rat 1987 389 Chronic regenerative changes in the spinal cord after cord compression injury in rats
 Diphtheria toxin injection cat 1980 133 Remyelination by cells introduced into a stable demyelinating lesion in the central nervous system
 Lysolecithin injection mouse 1981 88 Transplantation of rat Schwann cells grown in tissue culture into the mouse spinal cord
 X-irradiation with ethidiumbromide injection cat 1985 36 The use of cultured autologous Schwann cells to remyelinate areas of persistent demyelination in the central nervous system
rat 1987 37 Schwann cell remyelination of CNS axons following injection of cultures of CNS cells into areas of persistent demyelination
Optic nerve injury rat 1995 135 Schwann cells and the regrowth of axons in the mammalian CNS: A review of transplantation studies in the rat visual system
Monocular deprivation rat 1994 296 Schwann cells transplanted in the lateral ventricles prevent the functional and anatomical effects of monocular deprivation in the rat
Parkinson’s disease
 MPTP mouse 1990 75 Cografts of adrenal medulla with peripheral nerve enhance the survivability of transplanted adrenal chromaffin cells and recovery of the host nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in MPTP-treated young adult mice
monkey 1994 67 Peripheral nerve-dopamine neuron co-grafts in MPTP-treated monkeys: Augmentation of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive fiber staining and dopamine content in host systems
 6-OHDA-induced hemiparkinsonism monkey 2004 407 Therapeutic study of autologous Schwann cells’ bridge graft into the brain of hemiparkinsonian monkey
Brain trauma
 Septal-hippocampal lesions rat 1985 187 Transplants of Schwann cell cultures promote axonal regeneration in the adult mammalian brain
 Unilateral fornix transaction rat 1996 362 Reconstruction of transected postcommissural fornix in adult rat by Schwann cell suspension grafts
 Brain stem injury rat 2003 390 Schwann cells transplantation promoted and the repair of brain stem injury in rats