(a) Inner right abdominal wall flap
(b) Posterior abdominal muscles
(c) Right kidney
(d) Right renal vessels
(e) Spine and retroperitoneal structures
(f) Tie anchoring esophagus to spine
(g) Catheter through esophagus into stomach
(h) Stomach distended with saline
(i) Site for an electrocautery incision
(j) Sigmoid remnant embedded in stomach
(k) Interrupted sutures
(l) Site for purse-string sutures
(m) Segment of left uterine horn removed prior to anastomosis
(n) Opening in broad ligament
(o) Inner left abdominal wall flap
(p) Urinary bladder
(q) Left thigh with intact femoral vessels
(r) Site of disarticulation of leg
(s) Circumferential incision in body of uterus for end-to-end anastomosis
(t) Incision site in body of uterus for running anastomosis
(u) Right horn of uterus
(v) Right ovary
(w) Right ureter
(x) Clamp across pylorus