Typing concordance between MLVA-8 and PFGE typing or SG profiling. Cluster analysis of 25 A. baumannii strains analyzed by PFGE following ApaI digestion is shown on the left. The dendrogram was generated using the Dice coefficient and UPGMA clustering, with a 1.5% tolerance limit and 1.5% optimization as standard settings (23). The PFGE types were defined at a similarity threshold of ≥85% (28). SG and MLVA-8 allelic profiles are provided for direct comparison. The boxes denote strains belonging to the same PFGE type or MLVA-8 complex. Gel images were analyzed with BioNumerics version 5.1 software. PFGE type and SG profile determinations were performed in center II. Abbreviations: D, diversity; R, reproducibility; E, epidemiological concordance; ICL, international clonal lineage; NA, not assigned; N, new SG profile.