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. 2010 Dec 15;8(1):A06.

Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the in-scope (eligible) urban non-Aboriginal census respondents compared to urban non-Aboriginal cohort members, by sex and place of residence, non-institutional population aged 25 years or older at baseline, 1991

  All urban areas Metropolitan areasa Smaller urban centresb

In-scope % Cohort % Ratio In-scope % Cohort % Ratio In-scope % Cohort % Ratio
Number 6 470 600 1 013 300 5 159 500 799 800 1 311 100 213 400
Age group (years)
25 to 34 29 28 0.95 30 28 0.94 27 26 0.97
35 to 44 26 26 1.02 26 26 1.01 26 26 1.03
45 to 54 18 18 1.03 18 18 1.03 17 18 1.02
55 to 64 14 14 1.03 13 14 1.04 14 14 1.01
65 to 74 9 10 1.04 9 10 1.05 11 11 1.01
75 + 5 5 0.97 4 4 0.97 6 5 0.93
Marital status
Single (never married) 16 14 0.84 17 15 0.84 13 11 0.85
Common-law 7 7 0.90 7 6 0.90 8 7 0.88
Married 67 72 1.08 66 72 1.08 70 75 1.07
Previously married 9 7 0.81 9 7 0.80 9 8 0.81
Lone parent
Yes 98 98 1.00 98 98 1.00 98 98 1.00
No 2 2 0.86 2 2 0.86 2 2 0.85
Educational attainment
Less than high school diploma 32 31 0.97 30 29 0.97 38 36 0.96
High school diploma 38 38 1.01 37 37 1.00 40 40 1.02
Post-secondary diploma 13 14 1.03 14 14 1.02 12 12 1.04
University degree 17 18 1.03 19 19 1.03 11 12 1.05
Labour force status
Employed 72 74 1.02 73 75 1.02 69 71 1.03
Unemployed 6 6 0.91 6 6 0.90 7 6 0.93
Not in labour force 21 20 0.96 20 20 0.96 24 23 0.95
Income quintile
Quintile 1 - lowest 16 14 0.87 17 14 0.87 15 13 0.88
Quintile 2 20 19 0.99 20 19 0.99 19 19 0.99
Quintile 3 21 21 1.02 21 21 1.02 21 22 1.03
Quintile 4 21 22 1.04 21 22 1.04 22 23 1.04
Quintile 5 - highest 22 23 1.05 22 23 1.05 22 23 1.03
Activity limitation
Not stated 1 0 0.77 1 0 0.74 1 1 0.88
No 89 89 1.01 89 90 1.01 86 87 1.01
Yes 11 10 0.96 10 10 0.97 13 12 0.94
Number 6 983 500 1 049 400 1.00 5 574 600 833 700 1.00 1 408 900 215 700 1.00
Age group (years)
25 to 34 27 29 1.04 28 29 1.03 26 28 1.09
35 to 44 25 26 1.08 25 26 1.07 24 26 1.10
45 to 54 16 17 1.01 16 17 1.01 16 16 1.00
55 to 64 13 12 0.89 13 12 0.90 14 12 0.85
65 to 74 11 10 0.91 11 10 0.92 12 11 0.86
75 + 7 6 0.89 7 6 0.90 8 7 0.89
Marital status
Single (never married) 12 13 1.01 13 13 1.00 9 10 1.07
Common-law 6 6 1.00 6 6 1.00 6 6 1.01
Married 61 62 1.02 60 61 1.02 63 63 1.00
Previously married 21 20 0.95 21 20 0.94 21 21 0.97
Lone parent
Yes 91 92 1.00 91 92 1.00 92 92 1.00
No 9 8 0.96 9 8 0.95 8 8 0.99
Educational attainment
Less than high school diploma 35 32 0.91 34 31 0.91 40 36 0.89
High school diploma 34 36 1.03 34 35 1.03 34 36 1.04
Post-secondary diploma 18 19 1.08 18 19 1.07 18 19 1.10
University degree 12 13 1.08 14 15 1.07 8 9 1.14
Labour force status
Employed 55 60 1.09 56 61 1.08 51 57 1.12
Unemployed 5 5 1.01 5 5 1.01 5 6 1.03
Not in labour force 40 35 0.88 39 34 0.88 44 38 0.86
Income quintile
Quintile 1 - lowest 21 20 0.92 21 19 0.91 22 20 0.94
Quintile 2 21 20 0.96 21 20 0.97 20 19 0.94
Quintile 3 20 20 1.02 20 20 1.02 20 20 1.02
Quintile 4 19 20 1.05 19 20 1.05 19 20 1.04
Quintile 5 - highest 19 20 1.07 19 20 1.06 19 20 1.07
Activity limitation
Not stated 1 0 0.89 1 0 0.87 0 0 0.97
No 88 89 1.01 89 90 1.01 87 88 1.02
Yes 11 10 0.90 11 10 0.91 13 11 0.89

Source: 1991 census and 1991–2001 Canadian census mortality follow-up study.


Population ≥ 100 000


Population ≥ 10 000