Fig. 4.
Comprehensive managementa of blood glucose, arterial hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia among adults with diabetes in seven-country study of the management of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risk factors
a Effective management refers to individuals with diabetes who are diagnosed, treated and controlled for all existing conditions. Ineffective management of one or more conditions refers to individuals with diabetes who are currently taking all necessary medication but are not meeting treatment targets for one or more condition. Lacking management refers to individuals with diabetes who are either undiagnosed or diagnosed but untreated for diabetes, arterial hypertension or hypercholesterolaemia.
b No information on current use of cholesterol-lowering medication was available for Colombia. Comprehensive management has been estimated for blood glucose and blood pressure only.
c No information on previous diagnosis or current use of cholesterol-lowering medication was available for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Comprehensive management has been estimated for blood glucose and blood pressure only.