Stage 1: Collaborating to Secure Funding |
Initial contacts with academic and CPs |
Finding investigators and community leaders with mutual interests |
Academic and community leaders develop partnership with overall goal of improving recognition and treatment of depression |
Getting acquainted |
Significant time investment—projects for future funding are not supported currently |
NIMH funding (P30MH071944) |
Establishing objectives and negotiations |
Develop goals to encompass group diversity |
Establish relationships |
Meetings to generate ideas, determine goals, write proposals and apply for funding |
Change in leadership |
Stage 2: Building a Communications Platform and Research Infrastructure |
Establish working communications |
Academics and CPs speak different languages |
Increased interactions and time in the community resolve speaking different languages problem |
Share goals of existing research projects and interests with CPs |
Expectation from Clinical Core for RNDC partnership to recruit AA minorities into existing clinical protocols |
Projects—agencies desire to participate after adaptations to existing protocol |
Offer CPs an opportunity to participate in existing research projects |
Clinical Core begins to have a better understanding of methodological differences |
Stage 3: Fostering Enduring Relationships |
Meet monthly for implementations meetings |
Concerns regarding problems historically working with University |
Communicate and address issues in monthly working meetings |
Discuss expectations, goals, and objectives |
Reiterate information in subsequent meetings to ensure accurate understanding of group ideas |
Develop common understanding of information |
Review information in meetings and report progress of projects |
Develop shared values, respect, and trust |
Stage 4: Assessing Needs/Educating about Research Process |
Collaboratively develop and conduct a needs assessment to better understand the CPs’ services, mental health care needs, and challenges affecting clients’ access to mental health care |
Significant undertaking of time: scheduling interviews, collecting qualitative and quantitative data, coding transcripts, analyzing data, and determining needs |
Needs Assessment Report completed summer 2007— used by CPs to share with Board and by the partnership in seeking funding for needs |
Product developed collaboratively |
Stage 5: Initiating Specific Collaborative Projects |
Using results from the needs assessment: review findings, generate research ideas, develop plans, projects, and goals to accomplish needs |
Must increase staff to support needs |
Develop educational and outreach programs |
Work with limited financial resources initially to develop programs to support needs |
Funding—frontline worker training from Staunton Farm Foundation |
Develop depression care manager and peer educator model R-21 |
Stage 6: Maintaining a Sustainable and Productive Partnership |
Establish relationships to continue projects, mutually develop budgets, seek additional funds, and make financial commitments |
Continued support for most promising projects and programs that were developed |
Develop sustainability subcommittee |
Develop consortium for utilizing resources |
Funding—NIMH Outreach Grant |
Funding—PA Department of Public Health |