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. 2010 Nov 6;376(9752):1566–1578. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61270-6


Demographic, economic, health, and aid characteristics of the 32 malaria-eliminating countries

Population (millions) Life expectancy at birth (years) GNI per head (US$)* Health expenditure per head (US$)* Private health expenditure (% of total health expenditure) GFATM R10malaria eligibility (Y/N) PMI selected (Y/N) World Bank IDA eligible (Y/N)
Low-income economies
Kyrgyzstan 5·2 66 740 35 57 Y N Y
North Korea 23·8 66 .. 14 14 Y N N
Tajikistan 6·8 67 600 21 77 Y N Y
Uzbekistan 27·3 68 910 30 49 Y N Y
Lower-middle-income economies
Azerbaijan 8·6 68 3830 102 73 Y N Y
Bhutan 0·7 63 1900 49 27 Y N Y
Cape Verde 0·5 70 3130 112 21 Y N Y
China 1324·6 74 2940 94 59 Y N N
El Salvador 6·1 72 3480 181 38 Y N N
Georgia 4·3 72 2470 147 78 Y N Y
Iran 71·9 72 3540 215 49 Y N N
Iraq 30·7 63 .. .. 21 Y N N
Paraguay 6·2 74 2180 117 61 Y N N
Philippines 90·3 71 1890 52 67 Y N N
São Tomé and Príncipe 0·1 61 1020 49 15 Y Y Y
Solomon Islands 0·5 67 1180 44 8 Y N Y
Sri Lanka 20·1 71 1780 62 52 Y N Y
Swaziland 1·1 48 2520 155 34 Y N N
Vanuatu 0·2 69 2330 67 35 Y N Y
Upper-middle-income economies
Algeria 34·3 71 4260 148 18 Y N N
Argentina 39·8 75 7200 551 54 N N N
Botswana 1·9 56 6470 379 23 N N N
Costa Rica 4·5 79 6060 402 31 N N N
Dominican Republic 9·9 72 4390 206 63 Y N N
Malaysia 27·0 72 6970 259 55 N N N
Mexico 106·3 76 9980 527 55 N N N
Namibia 2·1 59 4200 281 33 Y N N
Panama 3·4 76 6180 380 31 N N N
South Africa 48·6 54 5820 425 62 N N N
Turkey 73·9 73 9340 352 27 N N N
High-income economies
Saudi Arabia 24·6 71 15 500 492 23 N N N
South Korea 48·6 79 21 530 1168 44 N N N
Total population 2053·9

..=data not available. GNI=gross national income. GFATM=the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. PMI=the President's Malaria Initiative of the US Government. IDA=the International Development Association. Y=yes. N=no. All data are from standard internet sources provided by the World Bank, WHO, Central Intelligence Agency, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Data are from the most recent year available, mostly 2006–08.


Atlas method (US dollars): the Atlas conversion factor is used by the World Bank to facilitate cross-country comparisons of national income and health expenditure. The method uses the 3-year average of the local currency exchange rate to US dollars, adjusting for inflation.

R10 refers to applicant eligibility for Round 10 in 2010.

São Tomé and Príncipe is not among the PMI 15 focus countries but is receiving support from the governments of Brazil and the USA for its elimination programme. Adapted from reference 2 and reproduced with permission of the authors.

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